Mumbai, India In a unique setting of events, Absolut, the world’s most iconic vodka today launched its globally acclaimed Absolut Colors in India. True to its legacy of launching pioneering and creatively different renditions of its traditional packaging, the limited edition Absolut Colors has been dressed in the Colors of the famous pride flag made in 1977 as a message of solidarity, love and respect for diversity. For a brand which resonates creative collaboration and promotes art and creativity, artists from India’s LGBT community came together to creatively represent the expressions associated with each of the six Colours of the pride flag. In line with this, the event showcased a multimedia exhibit with a premiere of a film, a book reading, display of selected artworks by artists addressing queer issues, and a stand-up comedy. Excited about the launch of the iconic Absolut Colors, Sumeet Lamba, executive director, Pernod Ricard india said, “Absolut has always supported elevation of creativity and self-expression and encouraged people to be who they are. Through collaboration with various artists, Absolut celebrates creativity and diversity which go hand in hand. The launch of Absolut Colors today is a testament to this belief and we are extremely proud of it”.
Each color on the new Absolut Colors bottle stands for an expression which was also brought alive at the launch event by the six artists – Parmesh Shahani, Jeff Toy, Aunsha Yadav, Sanaya Ardeshir, Sharmistha Ray and Anuvab Pal. While the color red denotes ‘life and sexuality’, orange is symbolic of ‘healing and friendship’; the color yellow on the bottle stands for ‘vitality and energy’ and green depicts ‘serenity and nature’. The expressions of ‘harmony and artistry’ have been symbolized through the color blue and purple stands for ‘spirit and gratitude’. Absolut Colors is priced the same as Absolut flavors in India and has now hit shelves in Delhi, Mumbai, Haryana, Goa and Karnataka. ( Excerpt from a Press Release)
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September 2024
The Happy High is a Mumbai based beverage consulting co founded in 2014 with a vision to raise the bars of the wine and dine scene in the country. Read more.
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